Featured Products

V18345-1020521001 | ABB | Valve Positioner
Estimated Lead Time : 8 - 10 weeks.
Estimated Lead Time : 8 - 10 weeks.

Products [1390]

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3BSE020512R1EBP | ABB | AI801 Analog Input
Estimated Lead Time : 4 - 6 weeks.
Estimated Lead Time : 4 - 6 weeks.
S800L I/O modules: AO801
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
3BSE020508R1 | ABB | DI801 Digital Input 24V d.c.
DI801 Digital Input 24V d.c. 1x16 ch, Rated isol.50V
Estimated Lead Time : 8 Weeks
Estimated Lead Time : 8 Weeks
S800L I/O modules: DI802
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
S800L I/O modules: DI803
Estimated Lead Time : 2-3 Weeks
Estimated Lead Time : 2-3 Weeks
S800L I/O modules: DO801
Estimated Lead Time : 2-3 Weeks
Estimated Lead Time : 2-3 Weeks
S800L I/O modules: DO802
Estimated Lead Time : 2-3 Weeks
Estimated Lead Time : 2-3 Weeks
3BSE008516R1 | ABB | AI810 Analog Input
Estimated lead time : 1 - 10 working days.
Estimated lead time : 1 - 10 working days.
3BSE008544R1 | ABB | AI820 Analog Input
Estimated Lead Time : 1 - 10 Working days.
Estimated Lead Time : 1 - 10 Working days.
3BSE036456R1 | ABB | AI825 Analog Input
3BSE040662R1 | ABB | AI830A Analog Input
AI830 Analog Input 1x8ch Pt100, Ni100/120, Cu10, R, Rated isol. 50V
Estimated Lead Time : 1-10 working days
Estimated Lead Time : 1-10 working days
3BSE051306R1 | ABB | AI835A Analog Input
AI835 Analog input 8 ch. Thermocouple/mV Rated isol. 50V
Estimated Lead Time : 4 - 6 weeks.
Estimated Lead Time : 4 - 6 weeks.
3BSE028925R1 | ABB | AI843  Analog Input
S800 I/O modules: AI890
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
S800 I/O modules: AI893
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
S800 I/O modules: AI895
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks
 K316563 | Asco | Rebuild Kit
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks.
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks.
3BSE008546R1 | ABB | AO820 Analog Output
Estimated Lead Time : 4 - 6 weeks.
Estimated Lead Time : 4 - 6 weeks.
S800 I/O modules: AO890
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
S800 I/O modules: AO895
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks
3BSE008552R1 | ABB | DI811 Digital Input
3BUR001454R1 | ABB | DI814 Digital Input
S800 I/O modules: DI821
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
3BSE036373R1 | ABB | DI825 Digital Input
3BSE013210R1 | ABB | DI830 Digital Input
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
S800 I/O modules: DI831
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
3BSE020836R1 | ABB | DI840 Digital Input. Redundant or single
Estimated Lead Time : 1-10 working days
Estimated Lead Time : 1-10 working days
S800 I/O modules: DI885
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
Estimated Lead Time : Usually ships in 1-10 working days.
S800 I/O modules: DI890
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks
Estimated Lead Time : 6-8 Weeks

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